The Ontario RAT Model 1 packs a lot of survival knife utility into a budget-friendly package.
When it comes to trail gear, few things are more valuable than a good knife. But in the crowded world of budget blades, which offers the best bang for your buck?
For my money, it just may be the $40 Ontario RAT Model 1. Designed as an all-around outdoors folder, this particular knife comes from the same minds as the popular ESEE fixed blades.
I’ve carried this not-so-little guy through canyons in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. Here’s what I found.
Ontario RAT I Review
In case you’re curious, RAT in this case stands for “Randall’s Adventure & Training.” As the name would indicate, this is a tool built for the outdoors. Ontario Knife Company produces this blade in Taiwan, operating off of survival instructor Jeff Randall’s design. Let’s touch on some of the specs.
A RAT in the Hand
The Competition