When it comes to adrenaline pumping activities, there are few that match BASE jumping. It also happens to be really dangerous.
According to a release from the National Park Service, 28 year-old Amber Bellows died Saturday after a BASE jumping accident off Mount Kinesava in Zion National Park.
Bellows was an experienced BASE jumper and extreme sport athlete who spent most of her time skydiving and BASE jumping, according to her public Facebook profile.
She was with her husband of two weeks, Clayton Butler. Both were from Salt Lake City, Utah.
According to the release, Butler said the couple hiked up Mount Kinesava that morning and Bellows was the first to jump. Her parachute did not open properly and she fell about 2000 feet. Butler jumped second but was unable to reach his wife. He hiked out to get help and notified the park at approximately 6:30 pm.

Bellows body was located around 10:00 am. on Sunday, February 9. NPS Rangers were short hauled directly to Bellow’s body. The two rangers then hoisted Bellows a short distance to an awaiting ambulance.
The accident is currently under investigation. BASE jumping is illegal within Zion National Park. This was the first fatality in Zion this year and the first ever fatality of a BASE jumper in Zion National Park.
“It is just really sad and our condolences go out to her family and friends,” said Acting Superintendent Jim Milestone. “BASE jumping is so dangerous. Even for those that are experienced, like Amber Bellows. That is one of the reasons it is not allowed in the park.” —Sean McCoy