Do you own a piece of SmartWool apparel or socks? Are you willing to take a photo of yourself (or a friend/family member!) “stripping” down to that layer? If so, SmartWool will send you free socks. It’s that simple.

Here are your Three Easy Steps toward FREE (yes, as in “really free”) socks from the company. . .
1) Take a picture of yourself or a friend “stripping” in their SmartWool somewhere in the outdoors (see examples below)
2) Click here and follow the directions to upload the photo
3) Wait for your socks to arrive in the mail!
Done. Within a couple weeks the company will ship you a pair of its PhD socks.

But Wait There’s More! As a bonus, the first 20 readers who “strip” for the SmartWool project and submit a photo to the Facebook app as instructed above will receive another FREE item of $20 value direct from
Yep, free socks and free GearJunkie surprise swag. Simply follow the instructions above and then email us a link to your uploaded “stripping” photo on the SmartWool Facebook app and we’ll line you up with this bonus prize!
Now, get to it. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s time to “strip to your SmartWool” in the great outdoors!