One of the world’s best ultra-runners scaled Mount Everest today in a blistering time of just 26 hours.
Kilian Jornet, a renowned Spanish endurance athlete, climbed from the Tibetan side of Everest without the use of supplemental oxygen or fixed ropes. He climbed the traditional route up the North Face, from Base Camp at the ancient Rombuk monastery to the summit, in just 26 hours.
For perspective, it takes most climbers, using supplemental oxygen and fixed ropes, days to reach the peak. But Jornet isn’t a typical climber. He already holds or held speed records on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Aconcagua, Denali, the Matterhorn, and Mont Blanc. (Editor’s Note: Jornet’s records on Kilimanjaro and Aconcagua fell to Karl Egloff in 2014 and 2015, respectively.)
This was Jornet’s second attempt at Everest. In September 2016 he was turned back by adverse weather conditions.
Jornet Everest Speed Ascent
He set out from base camp on the north side of the mountain on May 20 at 10:00 p.m., local time. His plan was to climb from base camp to the summit and back.
A New FKT?
“The climb, which forms part of the Summits of My Life project, sets a new ‘Fastest Known Time’ of 26 hours from the Everest Base Camp (5,100 m) to the summit at 8,484 m.”