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The ‘Second Chance Hiker’: A Mission to Lose 200 Pounds on the PCT

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With more than 3 months of hiking completed, the aptly trail-named ‘Second Chance Hiker’ is well on his way to completing the 2,650 miles. His goal not only includes completing the trail but also losing 200 pounds in the process.

The Pacific Crest Trail attracts hundreds of thru-hiking hopefuls each year, but only a portion of them make the full journey. Having already hiked for over 3 months, the “Second Chance Hiker” (aka Cory) is in the process of finishing the trek. He aims to reach the northernmost marker of the trail and shed 200 pounds along the way.

Fellow thru-hiker Panda captured Second Chance’s story. Watch to hear his take on why he began this incredible journey, how his life has changed in the process, and what it all means to him. And don’t forget to grab some tissues. You’re going to need them.

And you can follow Second Chance as he walks toward completion on his own YouTube and Instagram pages.

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