What science can tell us about wildlife migrations will help us preserve the land these animals need in the long run. This great video tells us how and why.
When you see a bull elk on a hike, what you’re looking at is a big game animal in one time and place. That animal has likely moved a great deal over the landscape to be right where they are, following seasonal migrations to best serve the needs of their bodies and the herd.
Scientists are digging into those migrations to better understand how to protect our wildlife and these corridors they use so adeptly into perpetuity. The collars you see on wildlife are tools that help wildlife managers advocate for and protect their sacred migration routes that are necessary to survival.
This video from the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership breaks down how New Mexico’s wildlife management teams are working together to ensure the success of their herds. And they’re crossing all boundaries between private and public lands to figure it out.
Watch and learn.