Working out might not be as sexy as buying a new bow, but it can help improve your hunting in a way that most equipment promises but fails to do. For most hunters, working out or training can be an afterthought. If you’re a Western hunter, this probably doesn’t apply to you, but for those east of the Mississippi, fitness can be an overlooked aspect of your hunting regime.
If you’re looking to improve your hunting overall but not following a consistent workout routine, you’ll benefit more from incorporating fitness than you would from buying the latest gimmick. While some gear might qualify as a necessity or make hunting more comfortable, possessing a certain level of fitness can give you immediate and long-term success in the field. This especially applies if you have several decades of hunting under your belt.
Getting started can be the hardest part. If you’re on the fence about joining a gym, buying equipment for your garage, or working out in general, you probably have some hunting gear that you can use to improve your fitness. The good news is, it doesn’t take much to get started.
Here’s a list of hunting and angling gear that secretly doubles as workout equipment.
Hunting Fitness Gear You May Already Have
Your Cooler

Your Hunting Clothes

Your Hunting Pack

Your GPS Watch

Ratchet Straps

Gear Aimed at Hunting Fitness
KUIU Training Gear


General Fitness Gear Can Aid in the Journey
Jump Rope
Wall Ball
75 Hard
Final Thoughts and Words of Inspiration on Hunting Fitness