Across 11 states, 152 days, and 3,700 miles, Rickey Gates set out to make his extraordinary run across America as ordinary as possible.
On March 1 this year, without much fanfare, 36-year-old Salomon-sponsored ultrarunner Rickey Gates took his first stride from Folly Beach, S.C. With wind pushing at his back and the Atlantic Ocean sprawled behind him, Gates set his sights on the Golden Gate Bridge far beyond the horizon.
His goal: Run unsupported across America. He wasn’t after a fastest-known time or personal glory. Instead, he wanted to connect with his countrymen and women. He aimed to complete the journey with no more help than an average runner.
On August 1, Gates crossed under the towering arches of the Golden Gate Bridge, five months and $5,000 later.
Transamericana Run
“Driven by curiosity, adventure, manifest destiny, and ultimately freedom,” Gates wrote on his Transamericana blog, people have long ventured from east to west. He set out for similar reasons, but also to show that it was possible for anyone—even those without gear deals or media coverage.