A four-figure watch needs to be damn near perfect. The Bremont MB Savanna titanium watch is very nice — but you’re not paying for ‘very nice.’
It was a serendipitous moment. Just a week before flying out to test Yamaha’s latest UTVs in the Colorado mountains, Bremont, a maker of luxury watches, reached out to see if I’d be interested in reviewing one of its most durable offerings.
Namely, we’re talking about the Bremont MB Savanna, an aviation-style timepiece that claims to have been “Tested beyond endurance.” Its resume includes such trials as “Live Ejection and MFOS Crashworthy Testing, Extreme Temperature Endurance, Vibration, Altitude Testing and Aircraft Carrier Deck Testing.”
With that kind of pedigree, the MB Savanna would be a natural fit for the bounce and rattle of a serious offroad trek. Sand, rocks, and high elevations — what better way to test its blend of luxury and real-world capability, right?
… Right?
In short: The Bremont MB Savanna is a watch aimed at a market segment about the size of a skydiver’s landing target. With a cost of around $5.8K, the concept is rich in design and material choices favored by aviation pros. Unfortunately, my particular tester failed to live up to both its pricing and pedigree.

Sadly, it wasn’t to be. When I made my plans known to Bremont’s PR crew, my enthusiasm wasn’t exactly shared. Instead, the brand sent along a consignment and conditions form, stating, among other things, that should the watch suffer any damage during its stay, the Cosignee (that’s me) would be required to pay full retail price for the timepiece: $5,795.
Look — on some level, I get it. This is a very valuable object, and the folks at Bremont want to make sure I’m not going to smash it against a rock. They’re doing their job and were very courteous to me.
But when a brand’s entire marketing campaign is built around legendary durability, this is a bad look.
GearJunkie is an outdoors adventure website, after all, and we actually test the gear we review. In the end, I signed the document, hoping that the bad taste would fade by the time the watch arrived.
Bremont MB Savanna Review

Expectations vs. Execution

Bremont MB Savanna: Conclusion