The newest piece of gear for apocalypse-ready office jockeys is here — the Endure Survival Pen is a tool that takes eloquent notes and can rocket flares off with the flick of a thumb.
I tested it this week. The machined-titanium pen is 5.5 inches long and sturdy in the hand. It has a half-dozen hidden features and comes with a $125 price tag. (For sale and seeking funding on Kickstarter this month.)
Before you choke, that’s half the price of a typical Montblanc, and that suit jewelry won’t start a fire.
This one will. When disaster strikes, the pen comes apart to reveal a ferrocerium fire rod and a hardened steel pocket clip doubles as a striker. It has a flare launcher and spike on the end.
An attached paracord lanyard has a removable inner core that is flammable and can double as tinder if you need to build a fire in a pinch.