Specialty outdoor gear retailer Backcountry introduces its own four-season collection and collaboration with top brands.
Backcountry has been around for 23 years, primarily selling premium outdoor goods from other brands. But last year it launched its first house-branded collection. Following that successful debut, the online retailer delivers the largest expansion of Backcountry-branded gear to date.
Today, Backcountry launches a major promotion of its Climb, Mountain Bike, and Travel collections. These include crag packs, chalk bags, apparel for climbing and biking, and more. Check out a few of our favorite products below.
Backcountry Climb Collection
A big part of the launch features the Backcountry Climb Collection, with apparel designed for all types of rock climbers. Almost everything is made from CORDURA, that sporty fabric known for resisting tough scuffs and tears.
The Climbing Collection also includes collaborations with big-name climbing brands like Black Diamond, Metolius, and So iLL.