Treasure hunters, pack your bags. Some of the world’s most extreme outdoor gear can be yours if you’re willing to tackle an ‘extreme’ journey to claim it.
The folks at Vollebak are … unusual. Launched by twin brothers Nick and Steve Tidball, the two-year-old London-based apparel manufacturer specializes in over-the-top claims of durability and unheard-of features.
Take, for example, the 100 Year Hoodie, a sweatshirt made with Kevlar that comes with a “multi-planet guarantee” (it will last on Mars or Mercury). Or the Solar Charged Jacket that absorbs light and glows in the dark.
Now it wants to test its customers. Announced today, Vollebak has hidden an “Extreme Discount Card.” It’s a wallet-size chunk of ornately carved Bocote Rosewood that entitles the holder to one free piece of everything Vollebak makes for the rest of their life.