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How to Hike the CDT: Big Agnes Launches Experiential Trail Guide

Continental divide trail CDTPhoto by Heidi 'China Rock' Zhang
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Last summer, Big Agnes hiked Colorado’s arm of the Continental Divide Trail from New Mexico to Wyoming. That’s right, the entire company. Now the brand wants to help you do the same.

2018 marked the 40th anniversary of the Continental Divide Trail (CDT), the 50th anniversary of the National Scenic Trails Act, and the year Big Agnes became a steward over 75 miles of trail. To celebrate, all 70 employees hiked and biked the 740-mile length of the CDT’s Colorado section.

Now a year removed from that epic adventure, Big Agnes last week launched its own CDT trail guide to aid would-be thru-hikers. It contains technical information, like section distances, elevation change, high points, water sources, and more. But it also has photos, stories, and other first-hand accounts from the Big Agnes team.

“The trail inspires us in so many ways – from gear we develop to the outdoor activities our staff gets after,” Big Agnes co-founder and president Bill Gamber said. “Whether for a day hike, an overnight, or a complete thru-hike, we hope this online resource makes the CDT more accessible to more people.”

Big Agnes CDT Guide

Continental Divide Trail CDT Big Agnes

In all, the guide comprises 22 sections of trail, beginning with the New Mexico border to Wolf Creek Pass and ending with the North Lake Trailhead to the Colorado-Wyoming border.

Inside each section, Big Agnes provides a rundown of the team’s experience for that section and technical data, along with a list of skills needed for that hike (snow hiking, lightning and widowmaker safety, etc.) and some pro tips. The brand also includes helpful links to Leave No Trace tips, U.S. Forest Service info on nearby attractions, and the paid Atlas Guides app (for those seeking maximum beta).

The guide is free for anyone to view and use — check it out on the Big Agnes blog.

Continental divide trail video in four minutes

1 Second Per Day: The Continental Divide Trail in 4 Minutes

A group of hikers recorded one second per day on the 3,100-mile Continental Divide Trail from Mexico to Canada. The resulting video captures the splendor of the CDT. Read more…

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