I reluctantly test rode Cannondale’s latest e-bike, the Adventure Neo. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t hate it. And that’s when I realized: I’d become a bike snob.
I find spandex as uncomfortable as it is unflattering. And I don’t understand why some folks wear brand-splashed Lycra kits to ride to work. You could just as easily wear cutoff jean shorts and a tee (or heck, no shirt at all!).
I see how seriously other people take cycling, and I think it’s silly. Cycling is for everyone — it’s the very first machine many of us learn to use independently and expertly, and it can be our first foray into real adventure.
So when I hear mechanics impatiently “speaking bike” to someone who just wants a tuneup, or I see a peloton of “cyclopaths” dominating a paved trail — I think of them as bike snobs.
I think of them as separate from me. After all, I don’t speak bike and I pedal for fun.

At least, that’s what I used to believe — until I caught myself thinking and talking like there was a right and wrong way to bike. It turns out, I have a problem with e-bikes, and it took getting out and riding one to fully understand how wrong I’ve been in my approach to cycling.
Quick Background: E-Bikes and the Media
To get to my point quickly, I first need to share what it’s like to be an outdoor gear journalist today. Over the last 5 years, I’ve watched my email inbox explode with e-bike pitches. It has been staggering, to say the least.
In 2015, the only “e” that made its way into press materials from the bike industry was for ultra-high-end electronic shifting (like Di2). Then, e-bikes slowly peeped their strange faces into odd press events. Those first bikes were more novelty than utility, and their unwieldy designs left little doubt e-bikes would remain mere concepts.
A Lot to Dislike
So Much More to Love

Never Say No to a Bike Ride

Zero-Sum Game
Dare You Not to Smile