[leadin]A new take on the humble insulated cup comes from an industrial designer tired of seeing people slurp out of canteens.[/leadin]

This redesign is so simple, you’ll probably slap your forehead and think “why didn’t I think of that?”
The Pint is a growler-shaped canteen that stores hot or cold liquids. But twist off the bottom and it converts to an oversize wine-glass shaped drinking vessel in just a few motions.
“I got tired of seeing people drinking coffee from their canteens,” inventor Matty Martin said. A Kickstarter campaign has launched to bring it to market.
New Kind Of Canteen
We haven’t tested it yet, but it appears that you can convert it without pouring out the beverage it carries. Thus, you could transport your coffee, then flip it over and open the Pint into a cup to savor the drink.
A camper and outdoors enthusiast, Martin worked for three years with Google X. He was a designer working on Project Glass, helping shape the product and its accessories.

Camp Bottle Design