Travel mug brand BURNOUT is using space tech to keep fluids like coffee at their optimal — or most drinkable — temperature.
The BURNOUT container uses heat-retaining technology to keep important daily drinks like coffee at the right temperature, at least for three solid hours. And you don’t need to plug in the mug. The technology is baked right in.
That means you don’t have to wait for coffee or tea to cool down or reheat it before you drink it. Within minutes, the BURNOUT mug builds to and stays at an optimal sipping temperature for several hours.
The brand calls it “drink now” technology.
How BURNOUT Mug Technology Works
We’ve all experienced tongue burn. Your barista cranks the steamer too long on your Americano and loads it into a bombproof, vacuum-sealed stainless steel container.
One tiny sip can kill a whole afternoon’s worth of taste buds. And how about when that scalding fluid spills out and lands on your crotch in the car? Ouch.
That’s the problem a group of aerospace engineers wanted to solve with the BURNOUT. To create the “perfect” temperature inside, a dual-chamber design sandwiches a vacuum chamber between “aerospace-grade” stainless steel walls. That’s important because you don’t want the vacuum part up against your coffee.
In a vacuum there’s no matter — nothing to transfer heat, only retain it. That’s why fluid stays so hot and can burn your mouth when you drink it out of a standard vacuum-sealed coffee mug.