Few things are more exciting than the approach of spring turkey hunting. For many hunters, it marks the end of a long winter and a much-needed return to the field. Often, spring turkey is one of the first hunts for youth hunters and one of the most accessible hunts for aging sportsmen.
And it’s fun. Toms are the most active in the spring, gobbling, strutting, and trying to chase down mates for the year.
Though spring turkey hunting is a favorite of most, all this gear works equally great for fall turkey season. Much of it is crossover gear that will work double-time for other hunts.
If we’re being honest, you don’t need much to bring home a bird for your freezer. People have been doing it for generations in nothing but jeans and a flannel while toting an old 12-gauge. This stuff will just help up the odds of putting fowl on the dinner table.
In short: With the increased availability of modern turkey hunting gear, we wanted to give you our take on items that will help you be successful while hunting wild turkeys.
What You Need to Go Turkey Hunting
Turkey Hunting Apparel That Gives You an Edge
The great camo versus solids debate often stops at turkey hunting. Turkeys have unbelievable eyesight. And though you can certainly fill your tag without wearing camouflage, many seasoned turkey hunters will recommend it from head to toe.
Camo can be as simple as a basic pattern that best fits your local surroundings to brands that incorporate texture into their camo patterns.


Turkey Vests & Packs

Turkey Calls, Decoys, and Blinds
Box or Slate Calls
Diaphragm Calls


To Use a Blind or Not

Weapons and Ammo to Put a Turkey on the Table

Turkey Loads

For the Archery Turkey Hunter