April fools has become a bit of a cult holiday in the outdoors industry. Each year companies try to one-up each other with outrageous ideas to make us laugh. From super coolers to dog-fiber clothing, these are some of our favorite April Fools’ jokes from this year.
Yeti Ridicooler – Yeti Coolers
The Ridicooler comes equipped with everything a modern outdoorsman might need, including a blender, toaster for making Pop-Tarts, a solar panel, and biometric thumbprint lock.
DFF: Dog Fur Fiber – Ibex Outdoor Clothing
After years of thinking that Merino wool was the finest animal fiber in the world, Ibex launches revolutionary new clothing made from the fur of man’s best friend.
PerformanceLederhosen – Outdoor Research
A throwback to when outdoor recreating wasn’t done in fancy space-age fabrics, Outdoor Research is bringing back the classic stylings of the Lederhosen. Equipped with a proprietary “beer shield” and a five-year supply of conditioning lard, these will quickly become your go-to bottom.