The ‘Packing It Out’ crew has hiked 2,000 miles so far this summer, cleaning the Pacific Crest Trail along the way. During it all, they stayed in touch: writing stories and submitting photos from the wilds. This is how.
With 2,000 miles under our belts, it is time to reveal the tools we use to share our clean-up efforts with everyone on the internet. We upload photos, write articles, and keep our budgets balanced with only a few tools carried on our backs.
The word “iPhone” provides insight into what we use while on the trail, but that answer alone doesn’t cut it. Throughout the rest of this article, I break down our electronics kit and explain in detail how we use these tools to stay organized and share our story during this thru-hike.
Article written by Seth Orme, a ‘Packing It Out’ founder.
The main two pieces of hardware we carry to accomplish everything are our smartphones and a camera. Other hardware includes a small battery pack, a phone charging cable, two additional mini USB cables, and a wall outlet adapter with three USB ports.
During this thru-hike, I used the iPhone 5. It’s crazy to think everything we’ve written this year was typed on a smartphone, other than maybe one article. I’m literally typing this whole piece with my thumbs.
We break every rule we learned in typing class, and with a weight of just 5 ounces, it’s easy to see why we opt for these clever devices as our primary computing tool. They get the job done and are the best weight option.