It’s a gadget you don’t “need” until you need it, which is hopefully never. But in an emergency, ACR’s new SARLink personal locator beacon will be your best friend. The device has an onboard 66-channel GPS module that can transmit your latitude and longitude to search-and-rescue squads when needed. The company cites the 406 MHz PLB as being accurate to within 110 yards.
The 8.9-ounce unit is smaller and uses less power than other models, the company says. It comes with a lithium battery pack and can survive under 1 meter of water for 1 hour (or 10 meters for 10 minutes), the company cites. Charged up, it will transmit a signal for 24 hours straight in temps as low as minus-4 degrees Fahrenheit.
The SARLink is currently available for $500.
—Ryan Dionne