The number of hunters is actually on the rise. And quality habitat is at the lowest it’s ever been. Competing ideas are at play in the hunting industry and community. Here’s more.
Over the past few years, the hunting community has jumped full sail into what it’s calling the R3 movement. “R3” stands for recruitment, retention, and reactivation of hunters. And it’s an effort to boost the number of hunters in myriad ways, mostly due to the idea that hunter numbers are in decline.
It’s an interesting idea, but it bears a closer look. While hunters are on the decline per capita, the actual number of hunters on the American landscape tells a different story.
And beyond that, habitat and biodiversity in the lower 48 are both well into declines that are not only alarming but also potentially devastating to both hunter opportunities and the variety of healthy American ecosystems in general.
There are three things I think we need to look at from a wholesale perspective.
The first is the consistent use of fear-based marketing tactics that tends to put the hunting community on the defense. The second is taking a look at hunter numbers from a broader perspective that shows us some good news about hunter numbers. And the third is aligning our educational focus to both help habitat and create public goodwill, as hunter numbers per capita are unlikely to increase at the rate of population growth.
Understanding these main issues is just the first step in correcting the narrative. What follows is a call to action: to educate, rather than try to recruit, our non-hunting friends. Because what hunting really needs is not more hunters, but more habitat.
‘The Decline of Hunting’: Scarier & Sexier Than Your Halloween Costume
Off the bat, I’d like to set the record straight: I’m all for new hunters coming into the fold. I’m in my seventh year of hunting, and other hunters have certainly helped me get here. I’ve hosted a women’s hunting camp, in part to help introduce novice hunters to the pastime. Personally, I’m not sure hunters can be created or recruited out of marketing efforts.
But I do think that a broad and general public who views hunting positively is the best deal we hunters could possibly create for ourselves. And the general, non-hunting public can make a powerful ally for land conservation. (More on this later.)

Over and over again, I’ve heard organizations and well-heeled influencers talking about how hunter numbers are in decline and that this is a mortal wound in the side of hunting culture that needs to be addressed.
There’s some truth here — albeit massaged truth — and I’ll get to that. But fear is the ultimate motivator, and whenever I sniff out fear in messaging, my inner skeptic sounds the alarm. Making fear sexy involves adding some sort of positive outcome or good intention; it gives worrying a purpose. The hunting community is deft in this regard.
A few examples of things I’ve heard in one form or another reflect this:
“There are fewer hunters than ever! If we recruit more hunters, then we’ll save conservation!”
“Hunters are in decline! We need more hunters or the system is going to fail us, and we’re gonna lose our hunting traditions!”
“If we don’t have enough hunters, we don’t have enough money to protect the things we love to hunt! More hunters, more money!”
This leads me to my first point: If you find yourself being motivated by fear or defensive tactics, think twice.
Fear is the most commonly used tactic in marketing because it works. And really, R3 is a giant marketing campaign for an effort that has no data to show it will substantially increase numbers in hunting.
I’d be remiss to not mention that a lot of this fear comes down to money. Hunters and anglers do contribute a lot of money to conservation, through a variety of sources, including hunting licenses, excises taxes, travel, buying power, and more. It’s certainly in the best interest of any membership-based organization, brand, or wildlife agency to generate more income.
It’s one thing to increase your bottom line — that’s all fine and good — but it’s another to massage numbers and messaging in certain ways to do it. So let’s look at the numbers in a different way.
Are Hunter Numbers Really Declining That Much?
The Real Decline: Habitat Loss

Under Pressure: Decreased Opportunity, Increased Demand
So, What Do We Do?