
Gear Junkie Forum Launched

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Gear Junkie now has a forums section! Sign in now and start contributing, asking questions, swapping stories, or writing your own gear reviews. Click here: https://thegearjunkie.com/forum/

BONUS: To get the ball rolling, the first 50 forum contributors who sign up and make two (2) genuine, quality posts — either by joining a discussion or starting one on their own — will win a Gear Junkie grab bag prize with one or more of the following mailed direct to your home or business:

Go here to sign in: https://thegearjunkie.com/forum/

After making your two posts, email stephen@thegearjunkie.com with the following info to claim your prize: 1) Your Name; 2) Address (U.S. citizens only); 3) Forum Username; 4) Links to your posts.

We will confirm if you made the first 50 and ship the prizes out asap.

Happy posting!



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