At some point along the way over the last 20 years, there has been a subtle (or maybe not so subtle) shift to hyper-specialized outdoor gear. I became acutely aware of this last year when I was in the market for a backcountry ski pack.
But, every time I walked into my garage and looked at all the hooks with various backpacks hanging on them, I felt a pang of guilt — and it was difficult to justify purchasing another backpack based on the number that I already owned. I have specialized packs for backpacking, alpine climbing, day hiking, trail running, fastpacking, sport climbing … and the list goes on.
With this in mind, it’s nice when you occasionally find an outdoor piece of clothing or gear that does a handful of things pretty well. The Outdoor Research Ferrosi Pants ($99) fit squarely into that category.
In short: I purchased my first pair of Ferrosi pants 7+ years ago, and since that time, I’ve spent hundreds of days in them backpacking, rock climbing, backcountry skiing, day hiking, mountain biking, doing yard work, and they’ve occasionally made an appearance at the office or on a date with my wife. They are, without a doubt, one of the best pieces of outdoor clothing that I own, and despite 7 years of hard use, they’ve still got a lot of life left in them.
Compare the Outdoor Research Ferrosi Pants with the best hiking pants for men.
- Fabric: 87% 90-denier stretch-woven ripstop nylon, 14% spandex
- Fit: Straight, true to size
- Weight: 10.7 oz.
- DWR: Water-resistant fabric
- UPF: 50+
- Lightweight but durable
- Breathable
- Incredible, flexible fit
- Small back pockets
- Won't last as long as heavier pants
Outdoor Research Ferrosi Pants Review


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