Kid ‘Scoot’ Bikes

Teach balance on two wheels and let kids skip training wheels altogether to go right to riding a bike. That’s the promise of these “scoot…

Skinny Carbon Trekking Poles

Skinny but stout, the new ultralight trekking poles from Black Diamond borrow tricks from probe poles used in avalanche rescue. Gear Junkie goes on a…

Two-Way Satellite GPS Communicator

Treading in uncharted technological territory between a satellite phone, a GPS unit, and a SPOT device, an upcoming product from DeLorme promises two-way communication via…

Off-Grid Family Camping Trip

Gear Junkie founder Stephen Regenold gives a report from his family’s off-the-grid camping trip over Memorial Weekend to northern Minnesota’s Bear Lake.

Coleman ‘Instant Tent’

Easy-to-setup camping tent strikes out on several fronts in Gear Junkie’s test. As per its name, the shelter goes up with ease. The compromise is…

What the F^$# is GORUCK?

Combine facets from Green Beret training camp, adventure racing, and a macho, male-bounding weekend, and you get the GORUCK Challenge, a boot-camp-style overnight feat. Our…

Camp Dish Cleaner: The Scrubr!

Scrubbing dishes clean in the backcountry is a chore we’d rather ditch. This spring, Lunatec introduced a simple cloth-like scrubber to aid in cleanup after…

Test: REI Novara Buzz One

At $399, the Novara Buzz One is a solid buy for city riders. Our tester said the bike rode like an amalgamation of a “track-inspired…

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