Have you ever thought about the environmental impact of riding your fuel-sipping motorcycle versus your gas-hog pickup? The reality of motorcycle emissions might come as a surprise.
It’s game day and your buddy has an extra ticket to the Egg Bowl. If you leave in the next 15 minutes, you can make kickoff — you just need to crush 5 hours of highway pavement. Do you take your BMW R1150GS or your shiny new RAM 1500 HFE pickup?
Your weather app shows 92 degrees, and it’s humid like a Finnish sauna, but you’re feeling eco-conscious and opt for the GS at 37 mpg. You make the game just in time. By now, you look like you took a sweat shower with your clothes on, and have zero chance of cozying up to any of the Bulldog cuties.
The saddest part? You did no favors for the planet; that 500-pound GS actually spews out more harmful chemicals than your 5,000-pound truck.
Too bad. The few bucks you saved on gas won’t even buy you a beer at stadium prices. But the emissions data about your motorcycle is no joke.
Tailpipe Wars
Over the past two decades, passenger vehicle emission systems have improved dramatically. This has been driven by CAFE regulations in the U.S. and the Euro-6 in the EU. Modern engine control and closed-loop catalytic exhaust systems can eliminate many harmful greenhouse gasses (GHGs). Motorcycles make up the smallest fraction of transportation — less than 1% in the U.S. — so they’re not targeted for regulation like cars.

Sure, you say, but the exhaust volume from 1,150cc is far less than from a 3.6 L V6. You’re right. The problem is not the quantity of exhaust but the quality.
The gas volume that comes out of your tailpipe is largely benign, but the culprits — CO2, CO, HC, and NOx — are what we care about. These gases are what damage the atmosphere. Catalytic systems can capture most GHGs, but the existing technology is too large and restrictive to implement on motorcycles.
Motorcycle Emissions vs. Automobile Emissions
Motorcycle Emissions Data
Environmental Impact: Not Just About Emissions
Zero Motorcycle Emissions