Hiking only requires a few key pieces of gear for a day on the trails. But with a small hiking checklist, each piece is important. Bring these items along for comfort and safety on the trail.
If you’re ready to head out to a local trail or even a nontechnical summit, there are some things you should always have with you on the trail. Consider this list of 10 hiking essentials the foundation of your hiking gear, not a complete pack list that applies to every situation. Customization is key.
When thinking about your pack list as a whole, it’s important to keep in mind the type of hike you plan to go on. Some of the most important factors that may impact your gear list are:
- Location
- Weather
- Altitude
- Elevation gain
- Trail conditions
- Hiking duration
- Exposure to the sun and wind
Knowing these factors will help you modify the hiking essentials included on this list. For example, what you bring on an early spring hike in the mountains will be different than a summer day hike through the desert parks of Utah.
What to Bring Hiking: 10 Essentials for Day Hikes
1. Daypack (11-30L)
One of the most important items on our hiking essentials list is the very thing you need to carry it all in: a backpack. Well, a daypack, probably in the 11-30L range, to be precise.
You’ll only have space for the essential items with 11-13 L. This is a good size if you’re going on a shorter hike or have other people with you that you can split supplies with, such as an emergency kit and navigation items.
Meanwhile, a daypack around 20-30L allows you to bring plenty of water in very dry or hot environments, extra food, and heavier layers if it’s spring or summer. Just remember, the extra space makes it easier to overpack, which adds weight.
2. Boots or Shoes
Not all hikes require boots. But they do require footwear that will offer you comfort, support, traction, and protection against the elements.
The demands of a hike are a bit different than what your gym shoes may be used to encountering. You may want a lugged sole on slick trails or a waterproof membrane for cool hikes through wet grasses or mud puddles.
As a hiker, you’ll probably experience a variety of different trails, and your hiking shoes might be one of your bigger investments. So, when deciding which pair is best for you, it’s important to consider the weather and terrain you’ll be in the majority of the time.
A lighter hiking shoe (or trail running shoe) with a highly breathable upper would be suitable for a well-marked local trail in the summer. Still, you’ll need to pay attention to your footwear’s tread and waterproofing if you live in a rainy place or find yourself going up against the weather during spring and fall.
A good place to start is with the amazing selection of our tested hiking shoes. The men’s and women’s options run the gamut from low-profile trail running shoes and summer-friendly hiking sandals to waterproof hiking boots with full ankle support.
3. Hydration

4. Trail Snacks
5. Backup Navigation
6. Lightweight Rain/Wind Jacket
7. Sun Protection
8. Headlamp
9. First-Aid Kit
10. Non-Cotton Hiking Clothes
Make Our Hiking Essentials List Your Own
Averi is a freelance SEO writer and adventure travel blogger. She has over 10 years of experience, beginning her career as a ghostwriter for marketing executives before working at some of San Diego’s top marketing agencies as a content manager for lifestyle brands. In 2019, Averi left the agency world to begin working for herself. She is now a full-time digital nomad and focuses on the health, wellness, and outdoor industries. In her free time, she blogs about both her travels and how to run a successful blog for your business.