Being a consistently successful bowhunter comes down to a matter of inches. Many things need to fall in place for a tag to be notched. And there is only so much of that in which you can control. You’re not going to control the weather. What you do have a say in is the tools you bring into the field. These are often the makers or breakers of success.
Each bowhunting accessory below are things that I have personally used and believe in. They are practical and effective for bowhunters, whether it’s before the hunt or during. These aren’t going to be traditional reviews, either. Instead of spewing specs at you, I’m going to go over the why and how each one of these accessories will help your bowhunting endeavors.
Bowhunting Accessories to Add to Your Setup
Option Archery Canyon Pounder Bow Sight
One of the most common debates around bow sights is single-pin versus multi-pin. The Canyon Pounder from Option Archery squashes that debate because it is both, which is a huge plus for bowhunters. Having the ability to use a multi-pin sight will allow for quick yardage acquisition.
But, then, if you have to make a more technical shot, say 43 yards, through a small gap, you can use the single-pin feature. And with two different sight tapes, one for the centered pin and one for the bottom, you’ll have the ability to cover a wide range of longer distances. Whether it’s for follow-up shots, or just practice ahead of the season, you’ll be covered, and so will what you’re aiming at.
Check Price at Option ArcheryMD-50 Gear Archer’s Shot Trainer
Practice makes perfect, but not everyone has the luxury of getting behind the bow every day. The Archer’s Shot Trainer from MD-50 Gear will allow you to get reps in while sitting right at your desk, couch, making dinner, or whatever. It’s a release trainer that is set to your draw length and the best thing to do next to shooting your bow.
Shooting a bow accurately is all about consistency, and a great way to achieve that is through building muscle memory. MD-50 nailed it here and will no doubt help you build that muscle memory when picking up the bow isn’t an option. I know it has for me.
Check Price at BlackOvisHamskea Raptor Peep
Ever get what’s called “peep glare”? It’s when the sun creeps its way into your peep sight and dang near blinds your sight picture. It’s not the best scenario for bowhunting, but that’s OK because Hamskea makes a peep sight that crushes that worry.
It’s called the Raptor Peep, and it has internal baffles made to completely eliminate the glare from the sun. I’m happy to say once I started using this, it worked, and I’ve never had an issue since with glare. I’ve also had good luck during low light conditions with it. That was a worry I had because this peep is a bit larger than most and somewhat tunnel-like. Peep glare isn’t something that happens all of the time, but when it does, it’s bad. The Raptor nips that right in the bud.
Check Price at BlackOvisCheck Price at Amazon
Stalkzone Sneekerz
Spot and stalk bowhunters know that not all ground is created equal in terms of noise. The louder the ground, the harder it is to get closer for a shot. These Stalkzone Sneekerz from Ross Outdoors have been a serious game changer for me in those scenarios. Simply slip them on over your boots, and you’ve all of a sudden got a soft cushion that quiets your footfall immensely.
When I’m on the go, I just clip them onto my pack via a small clip they come with. This is a very lightweight piece of gear, too, that isn’t even noticed until you take your pack off and see them. These have worked out really well for me, especially in the desert. No longer am I taking my boots off for a stalk and dodging cactus needles — I just slip on the Stalkzone Sneekerz and slip into bow range.
Check Price at Ross Outdoors365 Archery Target
If you’re anything like me, you go through archery targets like they’re going out of style. For the past few years, I’ve been abusing one of the Trio System targets from 365 Archery. Not only has it held up great to being pummeled arrow after arrow with both field points and broadheads, but it is also super versatile.
The inner core is removable/replaceable and makes for a great camp target. It’s also got a larger profile, so stretching the distance on shots isn’t nearly as hair-raising as it is with other smaller targets. With that, it doesn’t weigh a whole lot, so it’s super easy to carry via the handle and very portable. Every dedicated bowhunter needs a good target. This one is as good as they come and then some.
Check Price at 365 ArcheryTo Wrap It Up
Bowhunting is hard enough as it is. We are trying to get close enough to living, breathing animals with what is essentially a pointy stick and bring them home to the dinner table. That’s no easy feat and way harder said than done. So, the little things do, in fact, matter.
No matter if it’s the bow sight you use or as simple as the peep sight you’re looking through. Plain and simple, the bowhunting accessories I’ve talked about here have had a positive impact on me in one way or another. Results speak more than any spec there is.