A project launched by the makers of the Swiss Army Knife stamps October 14th as a day to get outdoors, push limits, and try something new.
Victorinox wants you to turn your sick day into a SICK! day. So get ready to play hooky on Friday, Oct. 14, the newly-proclaimed National Day of Adventure.
The original Swiss Army Knife brand teamed up with Men’s Journal to come up with about 30 fun events including rock climbing, mountain biking, fly fishing, trapeze lessons, and much more.

GearJunkie is on board, and will host the GearDrop scavenger hunts in five U.S. cities to give away more than $12,000 in gear and prizes.
Don’t live near one of the GearDrop events? You can still win a grand prize package worth over $1000. Just tell us what awesome activity you have planned for National Day of Adventure.
For full details, check out the microsite dedicated to the GearDrop here, or visit Men’s Journal for details about the National Day of Adventure.
This is our kind of holiday, and we’re going to celebrate, hard. We hope to see you out there!