Custom Fit Breakthrough — Paraic McGlynn of Purely Custom is pushing the world of bike fitting forward. His Purely Custom bike fitting system is the data driven, accurate, unique, and will make you a happier and more powerful rider.

How’s that? Well, lots of us are spending a ton of money on bikes that may not work ideally for us. Using Purely Custom’s fit technology, a skilled fitter will get you on the right bike, with the right set up.
I took some extra time away from testing bikes to get a quick fit on their equipment, and using HD video analysis they identified real world changes I needed to make to improve both power and comfort.
One of the best features of Purely Custom’s system is that it expresses all of the information about your fit in a translatable X, Y and Z spatial format. The software then exports your seat, bar, stem and bottom bracket data into a database that uses the dimensions of all known bikes to spit out useful results such as: “Litespeed C1R, size 56, stem length 120mm with a -6° pitch, 10mm of top cap + spacers under the stem, 90mm handlebar reach and 120mm drop.”
It’s expensive, but for serious cyclists, worth the money. Although improvements to the hardware and software are rolling out, Purely Custom fit bikes and related tech is available now throughout the nation and abroad.