A recap of top stories for the past week, May 1 – 7, 2016.
1) Wilderness Brewing: Beer Foraged From The Wild
Named one of the best new breweries in the United States, Arizona Wilderness Brewing finds ingredients from the mountains and deserts to use in unique beers with roots in nature.
2) ‘Halo’ Headlamp Gives 180-Degree Lighting
A new kind of headlamp, the Halo is a ‘strip’ of LEDS that give 180-degree illumination (looking like something out of TRON is just a bonus).
3) Drone Fishing Is Crazy Effective, But Is It Unfair?
In case fishing was too much work before, drones basically drop the bait directly onto the fish.
4) Xpedition Archery: Aerospace Meets The Treestand
We visit the aerospace manufacturing facility where fighter jet parts are made next to high-end archery equipment.

5) Tough Girl! 9-Year-Old Completes Wild Adventure Race
At age 9, Hannah Carter completed a race with three river crossings, miles of technical singletrack biking, exposed rock-scrambling, class III whitewater, and over 3000′ of elevation gain on a team with her father.
6) Huge PCT Cleanup Begins: Goal To Remove 1,000 Pounds Of Trash
A group of four young thru-hikers heads north today from the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail on a mission to clean 1,000 pounds of trash off the classic American trail.
7) Sasha DiGiulian’s ‘Permanent Summer Break’
One of the world’s best climbers is about to graduate from college and into a world of opportunities.
8) High-Speed Foil: Future Of SUP?
Watch Kai Lenny race downwind while lifted above the waves on a foil-equipped stand-up paddle board.
9) New Bike Security: Folding ‘Altor’ Titanium Lock
This ain’t your average U-lock. Altor has a new kind of titanium tube lock that gives security but at a hefty price.
10) Massive Wreck At Major Fixed Gear Bike Race
Ouch! Watch as a stalled motorcycle leads to a pile-up for the ages during a major New York fixed gear bicycle race.
11) Fiery Escape: Dash Cam Shows Raging Canadian Wildfire
Tense footage: Evacuating wildfire-stricken Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada.
12) Don’t Turn Left! Rim Riding On Moab Cliffs
Don’t. Look. Down. Nate Hills and Kyle Mears hop, pedal, and roll along the edge of a 400-cliff. Whoa.
13) 10 Memorable Ways To Celebrate Mother’s Day
Time spent with a loved one is better than a gift purchased. Here are 10 easy, inexpensive ways to spend a nice day with mom that will mean much more than a bunch of flowers.
14) Review: Ultra-light, Ultra-tough, Hyperlite 2400 Windrider Pack
We marveled at this pack’s futuristic, translucent body, which is made of a Dyneema material so strong the brand compares it against steel.
15) MSR Recalls 2,000 Avalanche Probes
The lock button on the probe can fail to engage and lock, causing the probe not to function as intended.
16) (Free) Fall In Love: Online Dating For Adventurers
What do you love more than being outdoors? This dating site for adventurers might help.
17) Hoverboard Flight Crushes World Record
Franky Zapata piloted his ‘Flyboard Air’ more than a mile in front of spectators, blowing the old record out of the water.
18) Excerpt: ‘Where the Road Ends’
Where the Road Ends: A Guide to Trail Running, is a resource for trail runners covering training, competition, injury prevention, strategy, and more. Co-author Megan Hicks provided this excerpt.
19) Where There Is (No) Smoke, There Is Fire
The most environmentally-friendly camp stove? The Enki ‘Wild’ stove is touted as a smokeless unit that burns natural materials completely.
20) If You’ve Not Eaten A Fruit Noodle, Now’s The Time
Froodles are a handy way to get essential nutrients without turning to freeze-dried or foraging. They travel well, taste great, and give a great boost along the trail.
21) Will Ferrell To Play Man Who Snowmobiled To North Pole
Will Ferrell is reportedly cast as Ralph Plaisted, the everyman-turned explorer who reached the North Pole by snowmobile in 1968.
22) 10 Miles Downriver: Swimming Gets Extreme
‘We’d just swam 10 miles in 70 minutes. I’ve never run that fast in my life.’
23) Racing Over Obstacles With A Wounded Vet
An Army veteran who lost two limbs in Iraq turns disabilities into motivation.
24) Peekaboo! Whale Feeds In Marina
Wait for it… Fishermen on a dock in Alaska got an immense surprise from the deep.
25) First Look: Gazelle Pop-Up Tent Is Family-Size Palace
A king-size car camping tent that sets up in 2 minutes? Gazelle offers a new pop-open design with roots in the unlikeliest of places.
26) Women-Only Gear, Adventure Summit This Summer
Calling all women! New events this summer invite 1000 women to camp, hike, explore, and party in California and Utah.
27) Everest Region ‘Disaster Relief Center’ Opens This Spring
Climbing gear and emergency supplies will be stocked at a relief center funded by REI and its members to quickly aid in getting rescue workers supplies in times of need.
28) Book Review: Brendan Leonard’s ‘Sixty Meters to Anywhere’
We review the just-out memoir by one of climbing’s current muses, Brendan Leonard, who uses a rope-length measure as analogy and literal reference to a tether that helped reorient his life.
29) ‘Leviat’ Enters Suspended Tent Market
A new brand enters the ‘hovering tent’ market this spring. But its design looks very similar to another brand on the market now.
30) Rock The Campsite: Brunton ‘LightWave’ Lantern
Brunton’s new LightWave Amp is an 11-inch-tall ‘outdoor entertainment system.’
31) In Utah, Fight For Bears Ears Monument Heats Up
In a place where history, culture and geography intermingle, ‘local’ can be hard to define.
32) Sketchy Skiing By Headlamp Is Downright Crazy
Skier Léo Taillefer rips through some really tight chutes, off jumps, and through rock-strewn forest terrain in Val d’Isére, France, all by headlamp.