I’m 15 miles into a big training run, standing atop a peak with a mouthful of GU and shaky legs. I started out at a 7:30 pace, then eased down to a mellow 9-minute tempo a couple miles in. Tomorrow, I’m going on a 30-mile road ride, then it’s skiing up to 11,000 feet on Mt. Shasta… the Suunto Ambit3 will be pulling double-duty as my personal trainer through an entire multisport weekend.
The Ambit3 Sport is really an “all-outdoors” watch — it’s a running watch, and a cycling computer, a swim tracker, and a comprehensive GPS unit as well.
With an app platform that’s open to developers, it’ll do just about anything that people can dream up, from tracking your sleep to telling you how many beers you just earned on your run.