Title: Contributing Writer Location: Denver, Colorado Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/puffypatch/, @NateMitka on Youtube
Topics of Expertise: Climbing, Bouldering, Camping, Hiking, Cycling, Tech, Splitboarding and Snowboarding, Product Development and Reviews
Years in This Expertise: 10+
Number of Products & Number of Hours Expert Has Tested: 1000+ products, 1000+ hours
Nate Mitka performed hundreds of reviews for GearJunkie before he decided to make the product he was reviewing, instead of reviewing it. After several years on the product team for one of the largest outdoor brands, Nate is back doing what he loves: telling stories while splitboarding, climbing cracks, trail running, gardening, attempting to surf, and cooking around the campfire. You’ll find him scarfing down the best pizza in Denver (2x blind taste test champion) after his high- and low-octane pursuits in the mountains. Follow his YouTube for in-depth gear reviews.
Here’s why Aidan Campbell is delaying college for a gap year. Instead of exams, she will backpack, volunteer, raft, and work adventurous jobs around the…
Water, gels, keys, phone: Salomon’s S-Lab Sense will carry it all, and nothing more. We test a minimal running vest for the distance-minded adventurer.