Emerging Gear: Outdoor Products – Week of 6-9-18

Gyda Outerwear, Cotopaxi Tents, Vi Personal Trainer, Wanderwatch, Linky Fold-up Longboards and more. A peek at emerging products from the cutting-edge (and sometimes quirky) world…

How To: Choose a Cooler for the Outdoors

Choose the best cooler for the job with our buyer’s guide, a break-down of cooler size, type, and quality for the outdoors.

My Old Man: Townes Van Zandt

A poet and Texas songwriting legend, the infamous Townes Van Zandt left a powerful, if not destructive, legacy in his wake. And for his son…

5 Unexpected Essentials For Hiking Big Miles

To hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail, you need only the essentials. The ‘Packing It Out’ trio lists five such essentials they’ve relied on throughout…

Behold The ‘Snot Rocket’

Called it the ‘farmer blow,’ ‘snot rocket’ or other euphemism, this nasty move crosses almost all outdoors and fitness genres. And yeah, it’s gross. Get…

The Case For Packing Heavy

We often praise those travelers who ‘pack light’ for every trip. But there’s a strong case to be made for bringing every toy in your…

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