Dream Big, Train Hard, Win $9,000 Adventure

Name your mountain sports dream, train, and share everyday, and you could win gear and $9,000 from Dynafit to make the trip a reality.

First Look: GoPro HERO5 Black

GoPro released their latest line of cameras October 2nd, and beyond video function, all of the updates come with user accessibility.

2,650 Miles Of Packing It Out: Trail’s End

On 9/29/16, the Packing It Out duo completed all 2,650 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail. In total, they removed over 720 pounds of trash…

Run Fast, Get Free Shoes

How’s your back half? If you can finish a marathon faster than you start it, you can win any free pair of New Balance shoes.…

Leatherman Signal: How And Why It Was Made

We talked with a Leatherman multi-tool designer about the new Signal, how to repair your own tool, what he’d secretly like to add to the…

Emerging Gear: Outdoor Products This Week

A peek at emerging products, culled from crowd-source sites like Kickstarter, PR campaigns, and industry scoops on the sometimes cutting-edge, sometimes quirky world of gear…

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